To adopt the perspective into my traditional boards, I needed to use the light box to ensure that the perspective of the shot would be correct and work successfully with the rest of the frames. Using the light box aided me with the ease of redrawing the main frame/editing the design with the digital version being a rough guideline for the frame. With this process I was able to easily correct any problems with the anatomy of the character and the background perspective. The use of the light box also helped me to consider the pacing of the narrative and where to include the additional inbetweens which were needed to help depict the action more clearly. I wanted to show the crowd however the frame would have been too crowded for the viewer to understand the action occurring in the frame. I decided to represent the crowd using a shaded figure to show the placement of the surrounding characters and to show the depth within the frame. The use of the shading helped me to portray the perspective of the characters and the lighting of the scenario. I found that using graphite was not only easy and quick to use but it was effective to show the atmosphere and detail within the frame to a good standard.
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