Monday 23 March 2015

COP2 - Digital Development: Planning Perspective

After noting the edits that I needed to change on the thumbnail designs, I scanned the pages into Photoshop and made rough amendments into the storyboard sheets. I found planning these rough layouts helped me in terms with perspective as I was able to use the pen tool and guidelines to plan the angle before I began to draw the frame. After cutting alot of the thumbnail frames from the final rough layout, I felt that the narrative ran quite smoothly and worked in terms of depicting the narrative to the audience. I did however find one perspective in particular to be hard to design, the first frame in the edited layout in which the main character of the perspective bumps into another character. It was difficult trying to show the viewer that he had bumped into her; in order to solve this problem I need to show either a medium or long shot to show the character sat on the floor with her bag/someone helping her up. I still felt that a few frames needed to be added before I could complete the final main perspective in which I decided to continue in traditional graphite so that I could easily add grayscale tones and extra detail to the characters whilst incorporating additional frames.

Rough Layout
Edited layout - Board 1
Edited layout - Board 2

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