In this animation, Trnka uses model and film to create his work which is engulfed in a dark mix of context, with the height of the cold war, the repression of the art practice and 20 years after WW2. In this video it shows clear superiority from the Hand, which I believe represents the Nazi's rein through how violent and manipulating the Hand became after the puppet sculptor refused to make work for it. The symbolisation of how the Hand manipulated and controlled the puppet, much like a puppeteer, was brilliantly portrayed, as it showed how the puppet was forced against his will, caged and made to create this sculpture.
Still from animation
Still from animation
Near the ending of the video, it became quite ironic, through what he loved the most, his potted plant, ended up killing him. After the puppets death, the Hand gives him a burial, surrounded in propaganda in which the puppet had no belief or want in, that makes me feel that, in a way, he is being disrespected with the only escape of this propaganda is in death. As morbid as my opinion sounds, I believe this is among the main underlying meaning, through the horror of Adolf's rein and torture of his superiority.
'Adolf the Super man' - John Heartfield - photomontage
Throughout watching the video, I couldn't help but be reminded of John Heartfields work, in which he too made imagery that showed the suffocating manipulation and greed of the Nazi's, but he also made mockery of these figures with in his work. For example in the piece "Adolf the Superman", he uses photomontage to his advantage, including x-rays, to show the money with in his stomach, symbolising greed, with the Nazi symbol as his heart to symbolise his thirst for power and dominance. Even the title of the piece, makes the piece surreal.
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